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Hans (Johannes) von Mynden

Navn Hans (Johannes) von Mynden Kjønn Mann Possessions
13 Jul 1409 - Hildebrand Veckinghusen kaufen ....
Diplomatarium Danicum 1409. 13. juli
Hildebrand Veckinghusen køber 40 lb. gr. af Johan Grulle.
A: Göttingen (tidl. Reval) Af 6 f. 31r.
Tryk: Lesnikov, Die Handelsbücher des hansischen Kaufmanns Veckinghusen, 297.
Tekst efter Lesnikov l.l.:
Int jar 1409 13 in jullejus do kofte ic van Iohan Grullen 40 lb. gr. to betalende op Sconen to Sconnor 23 in ouste vor elk lb. gr. 10 marc 10 sl. sundesch.? Dyt sal vorwaren Brekelvelde unde Johannes van Mynden, dat dyt ghelt op Sconnen betalt werde to Sconnor van der selschap weghen to Wylle.? Desse 40 lb. hebbe ic untfanghen.
13 Aug 1410 - Briefwechsel Hildebrand Veckinchusen
Rechenschaftsablegung des Hans von Mynden ? 13. August 1410
(Margot Lindemann: Nachrichtenübermittlung durch Kaufmannsbriefe. Brief-?Zeitungen? in der Korrespondenz Hildebrand Veckinchusens (1398?1428), München)
1411 - Letter addressed by Peter Karbow from Venice to his partner Hildebrand Veckinchusen in Bruges
Dunning Letter for a Bill of Exchange, 1411
Letter addressed by Peter Karbow from Venice to his partner Hildebrand Veckinchusen in Bruges. This letter succinctly and tactfully reminds the correspondent about future business, and perhaps personal, relations, the integrity of the supply chain, and invokes kin altruism.
Friendly greetings! May I remind you, dear Hildebrand, about the 1,000 ducats which, as I wrote to you, I borrowed from Hans Reme of Augsburg: I informed you that you must pay him for this on 19 March. I beg you for the sake of our friendship to pay him punctually, as I have given him guarantees and also letters with our company's seal on them. If he should lose by this, I would have to compensate him, together with my associates -- I further inform you that a week ago I dispatched spices to the value of 10,000 ducats, namely Indian and Arabian ginger, nutmeg, mace, clovers and whatever else I could get on favorable terms: I shall dispatch further consignments within the next week. For this I need money, unless I am to leave the amber rosaries, the cloth and ermine [in pawn] until St. James's Day. In addition I have paid out 12,000 ducats in cash since Christmas, and every day I receive more bills of exchange from [our partner] Hans von Mynden.
Dear Hildebrand, may God help us so that we can carry on for another year and so things turn out as I have written to Sievart [Hildebrand's brother, in business in Cologne and a partner in the Venetian enterprise]: I said that I was confident that with God's help I should be able to present as favorable a balance-sheet as the last one.
We must bear in mind that we must not give up our trade in rosaries, because even if they are slow to sell, one get's a year's credit with them. I cannot write more about this. Farewell in Christ. Written on 19th January.
Concerning the shipment of furs which you sent me, I make the total 2,000 pieces. They were supposed to be lynx, but they turned out to be a very inferior variety. Let me know what has happened.
Peter Karbow
In deutsche Sprache
Person ID I20139 My Genealogy Sist endret 5 Des 2017
- Hildebrand Veckinghusen kaufen ....
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